Friday 15 January 2010

Urgent Message from CAFOD

As you know Haiti has suffered a massive earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale which has devastated the capital. We fear that more than three million people could be in need of shelter, food, clean drinking water and medicine.

We know that you and your parish will be concerned about the people affected by this disaster and will want to do what you can to help.
Because the need is so urgent, we would like you to hold a special collection in your parish this weekend (we will have a second collection at each of the Masses) for the CAFOD Haiti earthquake appeal. We appreciate that there are many appeals throughout the year but we hope that many would want to help and would appreicate being given the opportunity to give.

The earthquake was so strong that it destroyed many buildings including the cathedral, the National Palace and the UN headquarters, as well as hundreds of thousands of homes. It is believed that tens of thousands of people have died including the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Monsignor Joseph Serge Miot.

We are in a strong position to respond on the ground in Haiti through our church partners, including Caritas Haiti who are assessing the situation right now and finding out what is most needed. Because the earthquake has been so destructive, most of the roads are impassable so our partners are travelling by motorbike or on foot to reach the most vulnerable people.

We will be working closely with Caritas International - a group of Catholic agencies from around the world - to get help to those who need it most. The money you raise will help our partners supply water, food, medicines and shelter to people in the worst affected areas and help people to rebuild their lives in the long term.

We know that you are busy preparing to support us during the season of Lent, but hope that you will understand the people of Haiti need our help urgently. We greatly appreciate your continued support and ask you to keep those affected by this disaster in your prayers.

Below is a prayer of intercession for the people of Haiti which we hope you will be able to use in your parish.

We pray for the people of Haiti, struggling with the devastating effects of the recent earthquake: that despite the destruction around them they may not lose hope and may find the strength to rebuild their lives. Lord in your mercy...

View a prayer for the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti and find out more about our response at
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