Sunday 20 June 2010

Confirmation at Worth Abbey

Forty young people from our parish received the sacrament of confirmation by Bishop Kieran Conry at Worth Abbey last Sunday 20th June.

Please remember them in your prayers: Megan Barton, Samuel Blackman-Gibson, Rachel Chinn, Jessica Cook, Michael Correia, Nathan Croke, Ricardo Da Silva, Nicola de Nobrega, Megan Dinnage, Nicolene Eje, Aimee-Rose Ekins, Nicholas Fotheringham, Ricardo Gouveia, Zachary Gouveia Correia, Hayley Harrison, Hayley Harrison, Sophie Lennon, Celine Lyons, Lauren Martin, Rachel Martin, Katie McMillan, Phillip Mitchell, Casey Molloy, Ikaysye Mwakitwange, Amy Read, Shabella Renaud, Toby Rivers, Jacob Said, Anya Saternus, Kerry Schofield, Eric Smith, Thomasina Smith, Michael Stabile, Mark Stevenson, Ayeasha Tobin, Alex Viteritti, James Warren, James Warren, Luke White, and Sean White.

They will be receiving their certificates at the 5.30pm mass on Sunday 18th July. Many thanks to the catechists and the families of the candidates for their support of the newly confirmed.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Sr. Attracta's Diamond Jubilee


Congratulations to Sr. Attracta, of the Copthorne Convent, who this year celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of her Profession as a Religious. Bishop Kieran celebrated Mass with her and the other jubilarians before presentening them with an Icon.
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Saturday 12 June 2010

Papal Visit Leafllet

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Congratulations to Deacon Mark Woods and the Diocesan Communications Commission on producing an excellent leaflet about the forthcoming Papal Visit. There is a copy for everyone in the porches of the parish this weekend.

Friday 11 June 2010

Papal visit - youth name drawn

Following the invitation to apply for place on the diocesan youth group travelling to London for the Papal visit the names of interested young people were placed in a tub. During the Friday afternoon parish team meeting the name of one young person was drawn at random followed by the name of a 'back-up'. Mgr. Tony will be making contact over the next day or so

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Diocesan Jubilees

The priests of the diocese joined with Bishop Kieran to celebrate this years jubilees of ordination. The picture shows the silver jubilarians including our own Revv. Tony's.

Monday 7 June 2010

Corpus Christi Concert

Thank you to all those musical parishioners who took part in the concert. Everyone has been agreeing that it was a brilliant evening combining the talents of TENORS UNLIMITED - pictured above with some of the young parishioners who took part. Thank you also to all those behind the scenes who planned and organised with great skill.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Carpet of Flowers

All are invited to come and see beautiful arrangements of flowers, with a floral icon of Christ as the centrepiece. Church open 9am.Entry £2 adult, 50p children, £4 family (2 adults, 2 children,)
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