Monday 24 May 2010

Tilgate Eccumenical Prayer for Pentecost

Neighbours from various churches in Tilgate, Furnace Green and further afield, met together at St. Bernadette’s Roman Catholic Church in Tilgate, in the evening of Sunday 23 rd May to celebrate the third most important feast in the Christian calendar.
Pentecost marks the birthday of the Christian Church and commemorates the event at the beginning of Christian history, when a multi racial group of visitors to Jerusalem were inspired to become united in heart and mind, to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in their lives.
Those who took part in the service at St. B’s on Sunday thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and look forward to further opportunities to share in worship, each others’ company and to demonstrate Christianity’s lasting legacy.
The photograph was taken immediately after a Service of the Evening Prayer of the Church for Pentecost, and shows neighbours of various different Christian communities in the town, enjoying a cup of tea and a chat.
Stephen Innes -Resident of Furnace Green
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Sunday 9 May 2010

CAFOD / Christian Aid

Ever wondered what life would be like if we didn’t have the luxury of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal? Christians met together at the Friary Church in Crawley Town Centre on Sunday 9th May for a service to mark the beginning of Christian Aid Week 2010. They found out what life is like in some of the slum settlements in and around Nairobi in Kenya. There are no toilets; people make do with very inadequate conditions which causes severe suffering for the poorest of the World’s population.
The service was arranged by the Churches Together in Tilgate and Furnace Green, although many different communities were represented. Christian Aid and CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development) joined forces to show compassion for the poorest of the poor. The collection taken up will be shared equally between the two relief agencies.
Photograph shows Mr. Martin Brown of CAFOD explaining how relief agencies work.
Steve Innes
Photographs Neil Olsen
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