Sunday 14 March 2010

A suggestion for this Easter

The Exsultet praises the Easter candle as 'a pillar of fire that glows to the honour of God'.

Now you can have a Home Paschal Candle, a 9"x2" beeswax candle, complete with Easter transfer and stand.

Only £10 each, these candles will be blessed at the Easter Vigil, ready for you to take home then, or on Easter Sunday.

See the posters in the porch, and add your details to the Order forms in each Church.
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Saturday 13 March 2010

Preparing for Mothering Sunday

Thank you to some of the flowers ladies of the parish who arranged for flower arrangements to be available in the Friary Hall for all who would like to give their mothers something special rather than commercial. The morning opened at 10am and by the time this picture was taken ten minutes later all the large arrangements on the stage behind Min, Jackie & Dolores were gone! Thank you to those who organised the jewellery & cake stalls, raffle and refreshments.
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Tuesday 9 March 2010

RCIA - First Scrutiny

In our parish there are six people have been preparing over the past year to be received into the Catholic Church.
Part of the final stage of the preparation is a series of liturgies known as the ‘Scrutinies’. This perhaps rather unattractive name actually refers to very significant themes of faith, healing and new life. We will be celebrating these liturgies on three consecutive Tuesdays during the 7:15pm Mass at St Bernadette’s, Tilgate, starting Tuesday, 9th March.
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