Friday 26 February 2010

CAFOD Family Fast

Thank you to Anna, Min and all those who helped them to organise the CAFOD Family Fast Day Soup Lunch at Gossops Green Convent. Congratulations to Fr. Paul for winning First Prize in the Raffle (and then pulling out Fr. Tony's ticket - Fr. Chris also won!) A big thank you to all those who supported it and especially the Domician Sisters for being such generous hosts.
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Monday 22 February 2010

Additional early Morning Masses

This week Mass will be celebrated at 7.30am on Monday (St. Bernatte's, Tilgate), Tuesday (Copthorne Convent), Wednesday (Gossops Green Convent), & Friday (Gossops Green Convent). All are welcome - a wonderful way beginning to the day during Lent.
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Saturday 20 February 2010

Journey of Faith - Joining the Church

This afternoon saw a great number of people from across the Diocese go down to Arundel Cathedral to participate in the Rite of Election. In our parish there are six people have been preparing over the past year to be received into the Catholic Church, and at Arundel they were formally accepted as candidates by the Bishop.

The process of preparation is known as the RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It involves regular meetings with a team of catechists and others in which they are introduced into the faith and life of the Church.

In his homily at Arundel, Bishop Kieran referred to this Sunday’s Gospel of the Transfiguration and said that for all of us, not just those being received into the Church, change is possible. The call to continuing conversion is to be heard and responded to by everyone.

So please pray for all those on the RCIA programme. May they, and us, enjoy a holy and fruitful Lent and come rejoicing and renewed to the celebration of the Sacraments at Easter.
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Thursday 18 February 2010

Joanne Towner RIP

Please remember in your prayers Joanne Towner who has been one of the pillars of the community of St. Edward's, Pound Hill for many years - indeed Pope Benedict Awarded her a Bene Merenti for her services to the church. Joan's funeral will take place in St. Edward's this afternoon at 3pm.
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Wednesday 17 February 2010

Ash Wednesday

"Dear brothers and sisters, while we prepare to receive Ashes on our heads as a sign of conversion and repentance, let us open our hearts to the vivifying action of the word of God. May Lent, marked by more frequent listening to this word, by more intense prayer, by an austere and penitential lifestyle, be an incentive to conversion and to sincere love towards our brothers, especially those who are poorest and neediest. …May Mary, the attentive Virgin of listening and the humble Handmaid of the Lord guide us. Thus spiritually renewed, we shall succeed in celebrating Easter joyfully. Amen! " Pope Benedict.
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Saturday 6 February 2010

SVP Dance

Thank you to our parish St. Vicent de Paul Society for orgnising a very enjoyable dance in the Friary Hall. Thank you to all those who attended or supported it: the funds raised will be of great benefit to the people with whom the SVP works locally.
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Monday 1 February 2010

Ad Limina

Bishop Kieran, alongside the other bishops of England and Wales, took part this morning in the audience with Pope Benedict. The follwoing is a report from Rome:

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about his forthcoming Apostolic Visit to Great Britain in his address to the bishops of England and Wales on the occasion of their Ad Limina visit to Rome. This General Audience took place on the morning of Monday 1 February 2010.
The Apostolic Visit is taking place in response to an invitation extended by the State.
The Holy Father said:“Even amid the pressures of a secular age, there are many signs of living faith and devotion among the Catholics of England and Wales. I am thinking for example of the enthusiasm generated by the visit of the relics of St Thérèse, the interest aroused by the prospect of Cardinal Newman’s beatification and the eagerness of young people to take part in pilgrimages and World Youth Days.
On the occasion of my forthcoming Apostolic Visit to Great Britain, I shall be able to witness that faith for myself and as Successor of Peter, to strengthen and confirm it.
During the months of preparation that lie ahead, be sure to encourage the Catholics of England and Wales in their devotion and assure them that the Pope constantly remembers them in his prayers and holds them in his heart.”
Full text of the Holy Father's address to the Bishops of England and Wales
No date for the visit has yet been confirmed

You tube have a video of part of the Audience:

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