Monday 28 December 2009

Feast of Holy Innocents

It was really good to welcome Fr. Anthony home for Christmas: we are very grateful to him for his help over the last few days which enabled the team to 'ease off' a little after the Christmas Day Masses. Fr. Anthony words this morning on fear and its consequences for the Holy Innocents and unborn Children in our own time were very powerful.
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Sunday 27 December 2009

New members of the Guild

During the Langley Green Mass two of the servers were enrolled in the Guild of St. Stephen. It gave an opportunity to thank all the servers for their important ministry to the community. The new Guild Members are pictured with their medals along some of the others servers.
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Feast of the Holy Family

During the Mass this morning the Broadfield Community included in our prayers Ann and Dennis, pictured here with their family, who are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary today.
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Friday 18 December 2009

See amid the winter snow

As the Friary Church opened this morning it radiated warmth and welcome as the snow lay deep and crisp and even!
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Thursday 17 December 2009

St Wilfrids School Liturgy

Thank you to the students and staff of our Catholic Secondary School for hosting a wonderful liturgy of reflection and carols. It was also an opportunity to thank Mr. Crocker for his long service as a teacher in the school (and he is still going strong). The new Chair of Governors, Phil Gidman also thanked those Governors who have completed their terns of office - especially the outgoing Chair: Mary Scott. Fr. Simon's beautiful blessing at the end of the liturgy summed up the spirit of the evening and of the season.
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Tuesday 15 December 2009

Alter Christus - new Video

The priests of the Deanery gathered this morning for our monthly meeting. St. Wilfrid's Catholic School, which serves the deanery, had invited us to meet in their Conference Room and we joined a group of Year 10 pupils to watch the Vocations Video Alter Christus. Fr. Paul Turner, the Diocesan Vocations Director, spoke about his work creating the video before leading a discussion. As the film is only 15 minutes long many of the interviews with young people had to be edited. The full interviews can be seen on You Tube at: (there are nine in all - this links to one of them). The video will be formally launched in the Diocese in the new year. Further details:
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Monday 14 December 2009

Deacon Andy Moss

It is good to have Deacon Andy Moss back home form his studies in Canada. Please keep him in your prayers this week as he goes on his Pre-Ordination retreat. Parishioners are invited to his Ordination to the Priesthood on January 2nd at 12.15pm in the Friary Church.
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Saturday 12 December 2009

SVP Christmas Quiz

The people of Crawley who are served by our Society of St. Vincent De Paul will benefit greatly from the very successful Parish Quiz Night held in the Friary Hall this evening. Thank you to the Buckell Family for all their hard work and to all those who attended. Congratulations to the Winning Team and to the Clergy & Friends team who were highly placed!
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Broadfield & Pound Hill 1st Reconciliation

Thank you to the Catechists who arranged the Broadfield Liturgy this morning and the Pound Hill Liturgy this afternoon. It was good to see parents, family and friends also celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation - an important part of our Advent Preparations.
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Friday 11 December 2009

St. Francis School Liturgy

It was good to welcome the children of St. Francis Primary School to the Friary Church for their annual celebration of Carols and readings. After an introduction and welcome by Andrew Bragazna, Chair of Governors, the children led us through the scene's leading up to the Birth of Christ. Fr. Simon presided and was joined by Mgr. Tony, Fr. Chris and Deacon Andrew. Thank you to Mrs Connor and the staff, parents and supporters of the school for all they did to make it such an uplifting liturgy.
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OLQH Advent Service

Our Lady Queen of Heaven Primary School Langely Green, celebrated an Advent Penitential Service this morning led by Fr. Chris. The children were very engaged in the liturgy and afterwards many of them celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Thank you to Mr. Burke and the staff for making it possible.
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Wednesday 9 December 2009

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

This eveving, at 8pm in the Friary Church, the parish are gathering for a time of pray and procession in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The evenign will conclude with a time of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. All are wlecome.
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Monday 7 December 2009

Pound Hill Grand Draw

There was a real party atmosphere for the Grand Raffle Draw in St. Edward's Club. Thank you to George Powell, Mike Buckell and all who helped raise funds for the new Chapel at our Catholic Secondary School: St. Wilfrid's. Pictured alongside Fr. Simon & Mgr. Tony are some of the pupils who helped make the draw. Unfortunately Nicholas had to leave before the picture was taken - he spoke of behalf of all the pupils in prise of the chapel and in gratitude to the whole community.
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Saturday 5 December 2009

..and then the Friary Fayre

Thank you to Min and her co-workers from the Friary and Tilgate for organising a great Fayre with lunch as a very popular part of the day. Thanks also to the tremedous number of people who supported it by donating beforehand, buying tickets and attending on the day. It will be a great boast to the funding of the Friary Redevlopment.
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First Confessions - Langley Green / Gossops Green

Congratulations to the children from the Langley Green and Gossops Green Communities who celebrated the Sacrament of Penance for the first time this morning. As Fr. Simon said it was an important time not just for them but for their communities who will also feel the benefit. (The cross pictured above is from the Reconciliation Room at Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Langley Green).
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Friday 4 December 2009

Langley Green Fayre

Thank you to Tony & Team for making this evenings Langley Green Fayre such a great social event for the parishioners and local community. Thanks also to those who attended and / or bought tickets for the raffle: and congratulations to the 15 people who won some great prizes donated by local firms and individuals.
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Tuesday 1 December 2009

St. Francis Fayre

Congratulations to the PFA, some of whom are pictured with Mrs Connor (Headteacher), and to the whole community at St. Francis Primary School for a very successful Fayre - which brought together the community and brought in funds for the benefit of the Children. Thank you to all who helped and all who came.
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