Sunday 29 November 2009

Parish Crib in Town

The Parish Crib has been erected in Queens Square and passers by were soon admiring it and speaking about the Nativity Scene: a tremendous reminder of the meaning of Christmas in the middle of our busy town. Thank you to the Knights of St. Columba for making it happen and to the Weald Choir who sang carols in the Band Stand as the KSC were constructing it.
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Saturday 28 November 2009

Friary Tilgate First Confessions

Please pray for the children from the Friary / Tilgate Communities who this morning celebrated the Sacrament of Penance for the first time. We pray for them, and their families, that they may continue to avail themselves of this great gift from God.
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Friday 27 November 2009

St. Wilfrid's Friday Mass

Each Friday St. Wilfrids, our Catholic Secondary School, hosts a Mass in their chapel for the parish to attend. At the suggestion of students and staff today's Mass Intention was for deceased members of the school community. So many attended that the chapel had to be in 'extended' model. After Mass Mr. Morris (pictured) invited visitors to stay for coffee and an opportunity to share memories. Thank you to Jack Reegan and all who helped organise it.
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Thursday 26 November 2009

St. Francis School Prepare

Thank you to the Children and Staff of St. Francis, one of our parish primary schools, for a lovely liturgy preparing for the beginning of Advent this coming weekend.
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Sunday 22 November 2009

Bernard Brown R.I.P.

Please remember in your prayers Bernard Brown, a long standing and well known parishioner at the Friary 9.30am Mass, who died this week shortly after his 86th birthday. May he Rest in Peace.
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Friday 20 November 2009

The Ministry of Reader

Over the last few weeks Barbara Hopper, the Diocesan Liturgy Adviser and part of the Pastoral Team at DABCEC, has been coming to help our Readers. She has been very generous in giving up so many evenings to enable the readers to meet in small groups. A parishioner rang the parish office this morning and commented on how helpful, and enjoyable, the sessions have been. Thank you to everyone who has shown such great commitment to this ministry and especially to Barbara for her expertise and support.
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Sunday 15 November 2009

Parish Bereavement Group

Thank you to the Parish Bereavement Support Group for arranging the service in Our Lady's Church during which prayers were offered for those who have gone before us in faith - and those who mourn their loss. The group meets regularly in Langley Green and is open to anyone who would like to attend. Details in the Newsletter.
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Bishop's Pastoral Letter

The Bishop's Pastoral Letter, played today at each of the Masses, can be read by following the link:
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Saturday 14 November 2009

The Seminarians

Thank you to 'The Seminarians' for a great evening of music at St. Bernadette's, Tilgate. John and Daniel, students from St. John's Seminary at Wonersh, played their repertoire ranging from upbeat folk tunes to meditative instrumental chant. The leaflet promised something for all the family to enjoy and the evening was just that. Thank you also to John's family and to Alison and the Tilgate Team for the refreshments and hospitality.
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Tuesday 10 November 2009

Deanery Mass for Deceased Clergy

The priests of the Deanery gathered in the Friary Church to concelebrate the 12.15pm Mass which was offered for the deceased priests and deacons who have served in our parishes. Please remember in your prayers: Archbishop Couve de Murville, Revv. Gregory Williams, Stuart Bell, Michael Walsh, Jim Kenny, Bill Timmons, Arthur Woolmer, Herbert Fincham, Bernard Josie, Andrew Convey, Paul Baker, Gordon Brayshaw, Lynton Shields, Richard Frost, Ian Stuart-Setton, Peter McPolan, Stephen Hunde, James Barraud, Lawrence Fitzpatrick, Oswald Charlton, Bernard Rowley, Michael Lane, Joe Candy, Edmund Daly and the deceased Friars of Crawley. May they rest in Peace.
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Sunday 8 November 2009

Remembrance Sunday

At the all Masses this Sunday we pray for those who lost their lives in the World Wars and in Conflict since. May they rest in peace.

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Saturday 7 November 2009

Books of Remembrance

In each of the Churches of the parish Books of Remembrance have been placed. Parishioners and visitors are invited to add the names of those who have gone before us in faith and who will be remembered at Masses during this month of the Holy Souls.
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Tuesday 3 November 2009

St Francis thanks Governors

The Children of St. Francis, one of our two primary schools, had prepared cards to thank Deacon Andrew Bayes, Mrs Sue Nelson and Mr. Ron Eakins for their great work as Governors over a total of 24 years. Mrs Connor, the Headteacher, joined Fr. Simon, in leading the children in prayers of thanksgiving. Mr Malcolm Braganza took the opportunity to introduce the new Governing Body to the Children.
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Monday 2 November 2009

World Youth Day 12 for 011

Following a meeting this evening in the Friary hall, during which Fr. Paul and Ray Mooney, the Diocesan Youth Adviser, talked about the next World Youth Day in Madrid in 2011 twelve of our young people have expressed an interest in attending. The real real challenge for them, and the parish, is to help them raise the money needed for the trip.
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Sunday 1 November 2009

Welcome New Parishioners

This evening it was good to be able to meet with so many of the new parishioners who have moved to Crawley during the last year and to offer them a personal word of welcome.

Blessing of the graves at Snell Hatch

Thank you to all who gathered in Snell Hatch Cemetery to pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. During the short liturgy, before the blessing of individual graves, Fr. Simon invited us to pray especially for those deceased members of the parish community without family to pray for them.
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