Sunday 25 October 2009

Family Day

Thank you to the Mauritian Community for organising a tremendous Family Day at the Church Christ the Lord, Broadfield. The music for the Mass was outstanding and the feasting and festivities that followed were enjoyed by the huge number of people who attended.
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Saturday 24 October 2009

Curry Night

Congratulations to all those whose excellent organisation made the Curry Night such a stunning social success. It was tremendous to have so many parishioners socialising together. Very many thanks to all who cooked, ran the bar, sold tickets, towards this event, cooks, barmen, ticket sellers, donated raffle prizes, the band and all who came to the Curry Night. We made £2061.50 for the Refurbishment Fund – a great result Thank you also to the pupils from St. Wilfrid's School who provided great musical entertainment.
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Congratulations Natalie & Sean

Congratulation to Natalie & Sean who returned to Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Langley Green, for a Mass of Thanksgiving with the community following their wedding in Ireland.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Welcome Back Canon Seamus

It was great to welcome back Canon Seamus Hester - the first diocesan parish priest of the Friary and Tilgate. He has been very much in the prayers of the parish during his illness and it was good to see if looking so well. He wanted to see the new Friary and sends his congratulations to everyone involved as well as his gratitude to the parish for its prayerful support of him.

Thursday 15 October 2009

St. Wilfrid's - top 20%

St Wilfrid’s is delighted to report that the DCFS has placed the school in the top 20% of schools nationally in terms of ‘Value Added’. This is a measure which takes in to account the academic levels of achievement that students enter the school with judged against their actual attainment in Yr 11 (i.e. GCSEs & equivalent). In short it is a measure of student progress. This is a critical measure of a school’s effectiveness as it describes the school’s impact, including student progress in English & Maths, throughout a child’s learning career at the school.
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Sunday 11 October 2009

Welcome Finn O'Driscoll

Congratulations to the O'Driscoll family on the Baptism of Finn at the Friary Church.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Bernadette Connor's Induction

During the Vigil Mass of St. Francis (one of our Patronal Feasts) Bernadette Connor was Inducted as the New Headteacher of St. Francis of Asissi Catholic Primary School. Thank you to the Children, Parents, Governors and Community who made it such a wonderful celebration.
Pictured: Jonathan Morris (Head St. Wilfrid's, Fr. Simon, Mary Reynolds (Diocesan Director of Education), Mgr. Tony, Bernadette Connor, Fr. Chris and Bill Connor.
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Friday 2 October 2009

Congratulations to some of our parishioners at St. Wilfrids School who have been comssioned as Extordinary Ministers of Communion. A bit thank you to Fr. Terry Martin, Parish priest of Horsham, who undertook their preparation.
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Thursday 1 October 2009

RIBA Award

Congratulations! - to Deirdre Waddington, architect for the refurbishment of the Friary. Deirdre was Joint Winner of the Downland Prize, Community Section for her work at the Friary. The prize is given by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and celebrates the added value that an architect can bring to a relatively small project. We are delighted that Deirdre's dedication and hard work has been recognised in this way. A copy of the certificate issued can be seen on the notice board.
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