Friday 17 July 2009

Ordination to the Diaconate

Deacon Andy Moss would like to express to the parish community his heartfelt thanks for the many cards and gifts received on the occasion of his ordination to the diaconate, as well as his appreciation for the generosity shown by Crawley parishioners in helping with the event.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

New Chapel

Thank you to all those whose generosity and support means that our new Secondary School now has a beautiful chapel. Bishop Kieran has consecrated the Altar and blessed the Chapel. For pictures of the Chapel in usual mode and extended mode (as it prepared for the consecration) please clike here: More Pictures.
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Sunday 5 July 2009

Canon Heaney

Congratulations to Canon Ollie Heaney, formerly Parish Priest of St. Edward's, Pound Hill, who has been made a Canon of Arundel Cathedral. Many parishioners were delieghted to join him for Vespers in the Cathedral during which he was installed.
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